Rugvistas designtävling!

Finalister 2021 - Rösta och Vinn

Reef av Ute Nuhn



Om Ute Nuhn

"All art is dedicated to joy”
wrote Schiller once ago, and his statement has become the leading idea to Ute Nuhn's work. She studied visual communications in Düsseldorf. For the past 18 years ago she has been a self-employed designer and loves to create decors
for things surrounding daily life, beginning with a pretty cup for the morning tea,to carpets that smoothen the way, up to smart bedclothes that help to feel good and to relax. It is her passion to bring joy and happiness with the help of colors and design.
"Alle Kunst ist der Freude gewidmet”
Das ist von Schiller und nicht von mir. Aber in diesem Sinne arbeite ich seit 18 Jahren selbständig als Designerin und entwerfe Dekore,
die rund um das Haus zum Thema Wohlfühlen gefragt sind.
Artikel, die das Leben schöner machen - von der Tasse bis zum Teppich.

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