Rugvistas designtävling!

Finalister 2021 - Rösta och Vinn

Hexagonon av Pia Lietoff



I'm in love with geometrical patterns at the moment. Geometry equals symmetry and order, but by adding colour randomly, I have created a pattern of both order and chaos, which co-exist in harmony.
An asymmetrical shape enhances the design and makes a statement in itself. Hexagonon is the greek name for Hexagon - The word is based on the terms "hexa" meaning six, and "gonia" which means angles.

Om Pia Lietoff

Pia Lietoff grew up in Sweden and now lives in sunny Melbourne, Australia. 
With a background in Fine Art and Textile Design, she draws her inspiration from nature and from her Scandinavian heritage. She works mainly with handcraft - hand embroidery being one of her passions. She has a keen eye for detail and a natural instinct for colour.

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